Thought to have been invented at the end of WW1, there are varying reports of the origins of this classic. The Ritz in Paris has claimed the drink however it is also said that Harry’s New York Bar in Paris is where it was created. What everyone seems to agree on though, is that it was named after the motorcycle sidecar so popular at the time.
The main ingredients of a Sidecar are traditionally Cognac, Cointreau and lemon juice. In earlier times a Sidecar would come with a sugared glass rim to offset any bitterness. The sugared rim has since been removed by many modern bartenders with some preferring to leave it out altogether or substitute for a touch of simple syrup.
- 30ml Cognac or EXQ Harvest Blend
- 22.5ml Cointreau
- 22.5ml Freshly squeezed lemon juice
- Ice
- Lemon peel for garnish
- Optional dash of simple syrup
1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice
2. Shake vigourously for 20 sec
3. Strain into a chilled coupe glass
4. Garnish with lemon twist
2. Shake vigourously for 20 sec
3. Strain into a chilled coupe glass
4. Garnish with lemon twist